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PCS is a thriving evangelical Christian day school for children in Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8. We serve families from throughout Waterloo Region and Oxford County. Families of PCS come from Plattsville, New Hamburg, Baden, Woodstock, Kitchener-Waterloo, Innerkip, Tavistock, Ayr, Drumbo, New Dundee and the surrounding area.
We are privileged to have served this community for over 30 years. Praise God! The school began in 1990 by a group of committed parents who wanted Christian education for their children.
We are members of ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International).  We are affiliated with the Plattsville Evangelical Missionary Church and are blessed to be sharing their facility.
Our students and staff enjoy the use of large, spacious classrooms, a mobile computer lab, library and chapel area.  Our school is blessed with a large gymnasium which is used for physical education classes, dinners, banquets, concerts, musicals and fundraising events. God has truly blessed us with a wonderful facility for our school!
Our Mission

The mission of Plattsville Christian School is to serve the Lord in our community by providing for our children a biblically-based curriculum in a Christ-centered learning environment where high academic standards and spiritual maturity can be realized.

Our Staff

Our Ontario certified teachers continually strive to deliver an academic program that meets or exceeds the expectations of the Ontario curriculum. Their faith in God is front and centre in the classroom and provides an excellent standard for students to model their lives after.


Lunch is from 12:00-12:25 p.m.  Each student is to bring a packed lunch.  Hot lunch is available most Fridays for purchase.

Our Curriculum 

We follow the learning progression set out in the Ontario Curriculum, but all topics are taught from a Christian perspective that represent our Christian values as outlined in our Statement of Faith.  Our daily devotions, prayer times, weekly Chapel times provide our students the opportunity to grow in their academic knowledge, as well as grow in their walk with God. With small class sizes and a strong Biblical foundation, we are able to meet or exceed the expectations of the Ontario Curriculum. All topics are presented with Biblical truths as foundational building blocks in the students’ learning.

Daily Schedule

Our classes begin at 8:25 a.m. and the students are dismissed at 3:00 p.m.   Snack break is from 10:10 -10:25 a.m. and recess is from 10:25-10:40 a.m. Lunch break (outdoors) is from 12:25 - 12:50 p.m.

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